Friday morning, I encountered a challenging sequence of events—first, I found myself ensnared in traffic on my way to the airport, and to add to the ordeal, my flight was unexpectedly delayed. In the face of these circumstances, I made a conscious decision to cultivate patience. Over time, I have realized that the mindset one adopts during moments of waiting significantly influences one's emotional state.
Admittedly, patience hasn't always been my forte historically. However, I've been actively working on enhancing this aspect of myself. A key realization in this journey has been the importance of empathy towards those who deal with travelers regularly. I believe they deserve the best version of me, even in challenging situations beyond their control. Witnessing the undue stress and mistreatment directed at these individuals, often for circumstances outside their influence, has reinforced my commitment to approaching such situations with composure.
It's crucial to recognize that even if frustration or anger is justified, directing it at individuals who may lack control over the situation is counterproductive. Yelling and mistreatment seldom contribute to resolving issues; rather, they often make the traveler appear unreasonable. In my quest for improved patience, I've come to understand that maintaining a respectful demeanor enhances the likelihood of receiving assistance from those I interact with.
While I consider myself a work in progress, I believe I've made strides in mastering the art of waiting in physical queues, enduring traffic, and navigating through delayed flights. However, I acknowledge that I still grapple with impatience when placed on hold or confronted with automated phone systems instead of speaking with a person. There are moments when I find myself exclaiming, "I want to talk to a person!" in frustration. Although I usually manage to maintain a composed exterior, certain situations, such as being on hold for an extended period only to be abruptly disconnected, or encountering overly simplistic explanations, can still trigger a sense of frustration. Recognizing these challenges, I am committed to ongoing improvement and self-refinement in this aspect of my character.